Meet Melissa

Early Childhood Teacher

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

Masters of Special Education

Melissa is an early childhood teacher with postgraduate qualifications in the field of special education.  Having joined MELC over ten years ago, Melissa is a highly valued member of the team and brings particular expertise in working with children with special needs.  Melissa works closely with parents and is committed to developing inclusion programs that suit each child’s unique needs and abilities and making sure they have an opportunity to thrive in the MELC environment.  

Vivacious and bubbly, Melissa is always ready to join in the fun with the children and loves to immerse herself in the Centre’s activities.  The children adore her enthusiasm, sense of humour, and ability to laugh at herself – especially when she is dressing up on theme days or sharing her love of dinosaurs!

In her time away from MELC, Melissa loves travelling and reading and you will often find her having fun at the beach or enjoying brunch with friends.  

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